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Pilea pumila   (A. Gray ) L.
Riley County, Kansas
Height: 4-28 inches
Family: Urticaceae - Nettle Family
Flowering Period:   September,October
Also Called: Canadian clearweed.
Stems: Plants monoecious, glabrous, lacking stinging hairs, somewhat translucent. Stems erect or ascending, simple.
Leaves: Cauline, opposite, simple; petiole .2 to 3.2 inches; blade ovate to elliptic, .8 to 5.2 inches long, .4 to 3.6 inches wide, margins dentate, apex acute to acuminate, 3 main veins.
Inflorescences: Small cymes, axillary, crowded to lax, often arranged in small panicles.
Flowers: Unisexual, ca. 1/25 inch across, staminate and pistillate flowers in same cyme; staminate flowers usually pedicillate, tepals 4, distinct; stamens 4; pistillate flowers usually sessile, tepals 3; style 1, deciduous.
Fruits: Achenes, light colored or with fine purple streaks, flattened, ovate, .05 to .08 inch, partly covered by hood-like tepal.
Habitat: Moist, rich woods and stream banks.
Distribution: East half of Kansas.
Origin: Native
Uses: The Cherokee used the stems to alleviate itching and gave children an infusion of the plant to reduce hunger (Moerman 1998).
Comments: Pilea, felt cap, alluding to the perianth covering the achene and pumila, dwarf.

Dwarf clearweed flowering
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Riley County, Kansas
Dwarf clearweed habit
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Riley County, Kansas
Dwarf clearweed
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Riley County, Kansas
Dwarf clearweed flowers
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Riley County, Kansas